Thank you for visiting my website — feel free to have a look around…here’s a little information about me
My quilting has been on a journey over the last few years. Having learnt traditional patterns as a hobby over thirty years ago I have now begun to explore more modern designs. I live just outside London and my little study is floor to ceiling in boxes of fabric. Reinventing my design process has helped me to have more fun with fabric choices and to largely let the fabrics talk for themselves.
I love the combination of old and new; of the traditional and contemporary; patterns passed down through the generations and my personal contribution bringing something new. Even though I enjoy playing with large abstract prints I find using solids more appealing for their timeless appeal. I mainly work in linen, purely for the texture and natural element of the fibres, but also for the way linen blends so well with the hand quilting making a conversation together that will carry onto the next generation.
My second love is paper collage, enabling me to broaden my colour palette. From these simple paper creations, I have taken the idea through to quilt layouts. This not only challenges me in problem solving but excites me seeing my design in two creative mediums.
My Reflections quilt was acquired by The Quilters’ Guild of the British Isles in 2019 for their permanent collection to represent modern quilting. My Macaroons quilt has been featured by Festival Quilts 2020 and 2021 for their poster. The International Quilt Museum in Nebraska has acquired Frank and Serendipity II for their permanent collection. Needless to say I am absolutely thrilled to have my work featured in major Museums both sides of the pond.
I was lucky enough to host a solo gallery ’Linen Works’ at The Festival of Quilts 2022 - thank you to everyone that visited. I was also privileged to host another gallery at Festival of Quilts 2024 along side JaeYoung EOM from South Korea - we joined forces to create a gallery named The Space Between, showcasing both of our work and our connection via Instagram and Fabric. It was a great event and we welcomed many interested visitors. Following on from this I was invited to exhibit my work at QFiK in Seoul, South Korea in October 2024. Plans for 2025 involve solo galleries in Nantes and many teaching events both here in the UK, Europe and USA. You will find details in the ‘About’ part of my website.
View my online shop
If you would like to create a colourful quilt for your home or as a gift, let me show you how with these patterns. On purchase will be directly sent to you in a PDF format.
Learn how to create stunning paper collages from on-hand materials and accurately transpose those designs into a fabulous quilt.
In the book, you will find 14 projects to make, both collages and quilts; the book even includes the paper materials needed to complete one of the collage projects. Together with stunning photographs, this book will sit happily on any coffee table as a source of inspiration and creativity.
Book published by Lucky Spool - for unsigned copies please head to or your independent High Street bookshop.
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